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Sunday, December 12, 2010
/ -1:45 AM
Santa as I was thinking, since Santa had been around for decades already, he doesn't get any older. Always that tough old man with big white beard and hair, that rides sleigh guided by reindeer to give presents down chimneys. After all these years, why doesn't he get sick on 25th of December? and most importantly, why can't he die? Must be the biggest news ever if he died, even bigger than MJ's. In a year, 365 days, Santa Claus spent 364 days making presents with a bunch of elfs, short elfs, not Legolas elfs. That is from 26th of December to 24th December. Not just that, living so isolated in the North Pole where everyone can't find him, why is he being so damn emo? and I thought he would be a fun guy. Using a single day to deliver gifts all over the world, to each and every house? He's got a tough job. But it gets easier as houses nowadays doesn't have chimneys; no wonder I didn't get my present. If you think in another way, Santa Claus might not be that emo after all. Having so many countries around the world, The Santa Community may have a lot of Santas assigned to specific countries. Logically, no one can fly the whole world checking through every houses in a day. If so, we may have African Santa, Muslim Santa, Jewish Santa rather than just American, or English, or whatever the origin is. Now that's when Santa have company, they can talk, share experience and sort. Wait, Native Africans have no brick houses, chimneys? Singaporean Santa will be the most lucky one, such a small country to cover. With different ethics in the Santa Co., it must be tough. Muslims can't eat pork, presents must be halal, they must really have sections of creating presents. Jewish, wonder how the cope with others there. Do black Santa break dance? Not just these, with so many Santas, I can't really imagine the number of elfs needed. Must be outrageous. If so, the company must be really really big. Wonder how people never such a company in the North Pole? Notice the attire? Do Santa have different clothing in its wardrobe too? Not that they have anywhere to go to, maybe to hunt some polar bear meat. Polar bear meat can really make someone fat, and I mean really fat. Oh right, no wonder Polar bears are going extinct already, poor thing. This is my first lame post on this site, suddenly feel the urge to write it. I don't see that it is not a fact. Haha. -Sebastian |
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