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Tuesday, May 18, 2010
/ -11:50 PM
Relationship Part 3Now coming back to relationships again. I thought of this question for the whole day, and I thought of sharing since I might be different from other people's point of view. So what is a confession? It is the start of a relationship and it really makes someone feel good although you might not like that person in return. Being able to confess requires courage and confidence, as you might screw up if you are mumbling or talking too fast. It is really a philosophy and easy to say but hard to do. What I had been thinking is what is the true purpose of confessing? Is it to get a girl/boyfriend, or just to let the other person know what you are feeling towards them? If it is just to let the other one knows what your feeling is, why do people fear that the boy/girl might not talk to them freely or even worse, not talk to them? I had been seeing a lot of these kinds of sentences appearing on an individual's MSN personal message, Facebook status and more. To me, confessing is allowing someone to know what you are feeling towards them and they would still treat you the same way as they always do even though they do not like you that much in return. People around me had been telling me, "she did not accept me, I'm so sad." Well why should you? When you confess, holding high hopes is not needed, as you might fall hard. Telling someone you like them makes their day better. And to those people who got confessed by, do not treat them differently if you do not like them that much. If you do, congratulations *claps claps*. Well people took loads of courage to confess, should give them credit for doing so. (doesn't apply on players, they suck and should be locked up) Stay friends because friends are what pulled you guys together in the first place. Thanks to those who had confessed to me, you really made my day that time and I love you guys too. (: -Sebastian |
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